Honey Bees

Working Your Bees

It’s best to work your bees in warm, calm weather. Avoid cool or rainy weather.
The hive is less congested midday when foragers are out, but keep in mind this is also the hottest part of the day and you are in a suit.

  1. Smoker is lit and producing cool, white smoke.
  2. Veil, suit, and gloves are on (Some experienced beekeepers don’t use a suit or gloves, but I would when starting out).
  3. Have your hive tool and any other equipment, such as a bee brush, frame grip, etc.
  4. Do a few puffs of smoke at entrance and under the cover.
    Don’t oversmoke. Don’t block the hive entrance.
  5. Remove the cover and begin your inspection. Confident and deliberate movements. Lift frames slowly. Be brief, but not hurried.
  6. Look to see:
    • Is the colony queenright? Do you see the queen herself or any eggs in the brood boxes? Remember that the egg stage of development only lasts for 3 days, so if you are seeing eggs then chances are that all is right with your queen. Is the brood pattern solid or spotty?
    • How many frames are covered by bees? Does the hive seem overcrowded? Should you add a box on top? Do you need to take steps to prevent swarming?
    • Do the bees need sugar syrup or pollen patties?
    • Any evidence of pests or diseases? If so, when and how are you going to intervene?
  7. Take notes during or after your inspection.
beekeeper, bees, beehive