Honey Bees

Supplies and Checklist

In winter or early spring:

Before your bees arrive around the end of April or beginning of May, have the following ready.

  • Hive with all its components x2
  • Feeders x2
  • Smoker
  • Smoker fuel
  • Hive tool (I keep a few around)
  • Bee brush (I thought this was a little superfluous at first, but it really does come in handy)
  • Frame grip (not essential, but I use it all the time)
  • Notebook and writing utensil
  • Veil
  • Gloves (goatskin or nitrile)
  • Suit
  • Sugar to make syrup
  • Pollen patties
  • Varroa treatments (don’t necessarily have to have right away, but I would rather have treatments on hand so that I can take action right away if I notice a problem)
I don’t personally use these, but many beekeepers also recommend:
  • Queen excluder
  • Frame spacer
  • Hive carrier

Before honey harvest, have a plan for how you are going to get the honey from your bees, extract, and bottle the honey.

Before winter, have supplies to winterize your hive.

  • Tar paper or hive wrap