Honey Bees

The Three Types of Honey Bees in your Hive

My Carniolan Queen Surrounded by Worker Bees, 2019
Drone and Worker Bee

Honey Bee Development


After worker bees build wax cells in the lower portions of the hive, the queen lays one egg into each cell. It looks like a little white dot or line. Fertilized eggs become females and unfertilized eggs become males. 

This stage lasts 3 days.



The tiny egg then hatches into a larva and feed on royal jelly. Larvae destined to become workers and drones are switched to a pollen and honey mixture. Future queens remain on a diet of royal jelly. 

The larval stage lasts 5.5 days for a queen, 6 days for workers, and 6.5 days for drones.


Larvae are then capped shut in their cells to pupate.

The pupal stage lasts 7.5 days for a queen, 12 days for workers, and 14.5 days for drones.


After pupation, the adult bee chews its way through the capping on its cell and emerges.

All in all, from egg to adult, it takes a queen a total of 16 days to emerge, a worker 21 days, and a drone 24 days.