Solitary Bees
Supplies and Checklist
Getting Started:
M—L—Bee house, with hardware and tools to mount
M—L—8mm tubes or wooden trays (≥1 per mason bee cocoon)
M—L—6mm tubes or wooden trays (≥1 per leafcutter bee cocoon)
M—L—Clayey mud nearby (<300 feet away) for mason bees
M—L—Preferred leaves nearby (<300 feet away) for leafcutter bees
M—L—(rose, lilac, hosta, dahlia, peas, beans, strawberries)
M—L—Open blooms nearby (<300 feet away)
M—L—Access to a refrigerator (mason bees only!)
M—L—Mason and leafcutter bee cocoons!
Storage (Summer for Mason Bees, Fall and Winter for Leafcutter Bees):
M—L—Fine-mesh bag for nesting materials
M—L—Access to unconditioned and unheated shed or garage
M—L—Gauge stick
M—L—Scissors for cardboard tubes (optional)
M—L—Butter knife for reeds (optional)
M—L—Cleaning brush for wooden trays
M—L—Flat-head screwdriver or cocoon removal tool
M—L—Phillips-head screwdriver, popsicle stick, or cocoon removal tool
M—L—Pan or newspaper to catch cocoons
Cleaning (Mason Bees Only):
M—L—Lukewarm water
M—L—Bleach (optional)
M—L—Sand (optional)
M—L—Winter storage container
M—L—Access to a refrigerator
Incubating (Leafcutter Bees Only):
M—L—Fine-mesh bag
M—L—Access to warm (~70-80°F), dark place, like a water heater room
L = Leafcutter Bees
Click here for a printable
PDF of this checklist.
Page 1: Combo mason/leafcutter version (like you see here)
Page 2: Mason-only version
Page 3: Leafcutter-only version
Clayey Mud
One of the easiest ways to offer mud to mason bees is to dig a hole in the ground that measures about one foot wide and one foot deep within 25 feet of your bee house. If the soil doesn’t naturally have clay, you can purchase and add it to the hole. Then pour water into the hole, which will cause soil at the bottom to be the wettest and soil near the surface to be dryest. This way the mason bee can select the right consistency mud from the vertical side of the hole. Be sure to monitor and add water as needed.
Alternatively, you can buy a container specifically for offering mud to mason bees.